Startup Hustle

Sleep is Important for Entrepreneurs!

Loved the episode with Stephanie Melodia where they discuss sleep...the importance...and the challenges. I learned a lot about sleep disorders that greatly affect how one navigates through the world.

After reading Dr. Matthew Walker's book "Why we Sleep" I made quality sleep a top priority in my life and am very aware that it eludes many people. Hearing Stephanie's and Lauren's stories helped me to better understand that one doesn't need to go with the "traditional" eight hours...early to bed...early to rise model, but rather what best serves YOUR body.

Your body may respond better to day sleeping or sleeping in spurts. The key is to understanding it for yourself and doing what you need to fully optimize the sleep and manner in which to get it that best serves you!

As an entrepreneur I know how critical it is that we take care of ourselves and this is one more important area of self-care that is often overlooked.

Great episode!

April 9, 2022 by Anastasia Violet Lipske on Apple Podcasts

Startup Hustle

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